Funds Holding TLGY

On this page, we present all of the funds holding TLGY from our database of 13F filers, detailed in the table below. The first column indicates the name of each of the funds holding TLGY, with a link to that fund's top holdings. The next columns indicate the amount of TLGY stock held by each of the funds holding TLGY, followed by the TLGY position size held by the fund, and lastly the date of the quarterly filing period the data represents. In total, we count 22 funds holding TLGY within the last two filing periods in our coverage universe of 13F filers, with the largest position size having been reported by Karpus Management Inc.. For more details on the positions held by Karpus Management Inc. (or by any of the other funds holding TLGY), click the fund name in the "Holder" column of the funds-holding-TLGY table below.

HolderAmountPosition Size
($ in 1000's)
 As of
Karpus Management Inc.415,400$4,794 09/30/2024
     TLGY415,400$4,794 09/30/2024
Wolverine Asset Management LLC365,828$4,222 09/30/2024
     TLGY365,828$4,222 09/30/2024
Vivaldi Asset Management LLC334,549$3,861 09/30/2024
     TLGY334,549$3,861 09/30/2024
Mizuho Securities USA LLC297,199$3,412 09/30/2024
     TLGY297,199$3,412 09/30/2024
Westchester Capital Management LLC259,214$2,991 09/30/2024
     TLGY259,214$2,991 09/30/2024
Glazer Capital LLC241,995$2,793 09/30/2024
     TLGY241,995$2,793 09/30/2024
Polar Asset Management Partners Inc.200,000$2,308 09/30/2024
     TLGY200,000$2,308 09/30/2024
Clear Street LLC200,001$2,308 09/30/2024
     TLGY200,001$2,308 09/30/2024
Berkley W R Corp183,386$2,116 09/30/2024
     TLGY183,386$2,116 09/30/2024
LMR Partners LLP175,000$2,020 09/30/2024
     TLGY175,000$2,020 09/30/2024
Crystalline Management Inc.167,958$1,938 09/30/2024
     TLGY167,958$1,938 09/30/2024
K2 Principal Fund L.P.158,685$1,831 09/30/2024
     TLGY158,685$1,831 09/30/2024
Meteora Capital LLC152,115$1,755 09/30/2024
     TLGY152,115$1,755 09/30/2024
UBS Oconnor LLC151,425$1,747 09/30/2024
     TLGY151,425$1,747 09/30/2024
Cowen AND Company LLC115,098$1,328 09/30/2024
     TLGY115,098$1,328 09/30/2024
Spartan Fund Management Inc.60,083$693 09/30/2024
     TLGY60,083$693 09/30/2024
BCK Capital Management LP55,701$643 09/30/2024
     TLGY55,701$643 09/30/2024
CNH Partners LLC44,998$519 09/30/2024
     TLGY44,998$519 09/30/2024
Quarry LP25,000$288 09/30/2024
     TLGY25,000$288 09/30/2024
Bank of America Corp DE2,000$23 09/30/2024
     TLGY2,000$23 09/30/2024
Morgan Stanley1,500$17 09/30/2024
     TLGY1,500$17 09/30/2024
PenderFund Capital Management Ltd.177$2 09/30/2024
     TLGY177$2 09/30/2024
Proequities Inc.0$0 09/30/2024
     TLGY0$0 09/30/2024

See Summary: Institutional Holders of TLGY
See Details: Top 10 Hedge Funds Holding TLGY
Also See: TLGY Holdings Changes

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