Johnson Investment Counsel Inc. Top Holdings
As of  06/30/2024, below is a summary of the Johnson Investment Counsel Inc. top holdings by largest position size, as per the latest 13f filing made by Johnson Investment Counsel Inc.. In the Johnson Investment Counsel Inc.-top-holdings-table below, each of the top holdings by name is presented in the first column, followed by the amount of shares held by Johnson Investment Counsel Inc. in that top holding, then the share count change between reporting periods, and finally the Johnson Investment Counsel Inc. top holding position size for that row.

 03/31/2024 to 06/30/2024
Position Size
($ in 1000's)
ISHARES CORE S&P 500 ETF (IVV) 1,321,468 +35,552 $723,147
APPLE INC 1,939,890 -24,003 $408,580
ISHARES RUSSELL 1000 ETF (IWB) 1,279,068 +28,333 $380,574
PROCTER AND GAMBLE CO 2,249,716 -22,602 $371,023
MICROSOFT CORP 746,423 +471 $333,614
ALPHABET INC 1,253,150 -135,381 $228,261
ISHARES RUSSELL MIDCAP ETF (IWR) 2,358,594 +137,483 $191,235
CINCINNATI FINANCIAL CORP 1,329,400 -5,505 $157,002
WILLIAMS COS INC 3,330,203 -7,004 $141,534
DANAHER CORPORATION 559,862 -1,964 $139,881
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC 268,033 +1,363 $136,499
MASTERCARD INCORPORATED 301,659 -3,594 $133,080
NASDAQ INC 2,043,641 -3,440 $123,150
WASTE MANAGEMENT INC DEL 551,538 -7,046 $117,665
CHEVRON CORP 749,179 +7,889 $117,187
AMAZON.COM INC 592,364 +227,056 $114,474
CENCORA INC 500,555 -5,489 $112,775
ABBOTT LABORATORIES 998,953 +998,953 $103,801
TJX COS INC 942,038 -5,963 $103,718
VISA INC 390,723 -4,140 $102,553
ACCENTURE PLC IRELAND 331,984 +3,108 $100,727
AXIS CAP HOLDINGS LTD 1,413,374 -22,541 $99,855
MARSH & MCLENNAN COS INC 471,754 -3,574 $99,408
ANALOG DEVICES INC 432,231 -4,192 $98,661
COCA COLA CO 1,483,414 -9,158 $94,419
VANGUARD FTSE ALL WORLD EX US (VEU) 1,608,103 +50,492 $94,299
AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER CO INC 1,053,966 +5,505 $92,475
ZOETIS INC 529,649 -3,735 $91,820
AMPHENOL CORP 1,328,030 +461,483 $89,469
ALLIANT ENERGY CORP 1,756,533 +29,358 $89,408
WAL MART INC 1,296,872 -133,262 $87,811
ISHARES MSCI USA MIN VOL FACTO (USMV) 1,044,279 -6,972 $87,678
HONEYWELL INTL INC 399,527 -1,948 $85,315
SCHWAB U.S. LARGE CAP ETF (SCHX) 1,322,491 +138,675 $84,970
ROPER TECHNOLOGIES INC 150,198 +3,756 $84,661
MCDONALDS CORP 316,654 +6,884 $80,696
ADOBE INC 144,261 +15,459 $80,143
S&P GLOBAL INC 177,289 -6,355 $79,071
ISHARES MSCI USA QUALITY FACTO (QUAL) 454,117 +5,893 $77,545
COSTCO WHOLESALE CORP 89,194 -1,532 $75,814
NVENT ELECTRIC PLC 958,456 -28,166 $73,427
WILLIS TOWERS WATSON PLC LTD 276,809 -1,695 $72,563
NORDSON CORP 307,686 +21,509 $71,365
AMERICAN FINANCIAL GROUP INC O 576,174 +2,389 $70,881
TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR MFG LTD S 389,951 +4,860 $67,777
LOWES COS INC 303,165 -243 $66,836
SPDR S&P 500 ETF TRUST (SPY) 122,740 +2,013 $66,798
PEPSICO INC 404,571 -406 $66,726
ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS INC 279,567 +5,571 $66,246
EVEREST GROUP LTD 169,134 +9,624 $64,444

See Full List: All Stocks Held By Johnson Investment Counsel Inc.
— Including:
     • Biggest new positions
     • Biggest exits
     • Biggest increased positions
     • Biggest decreased positions

See Details: Top 10 Stocks Held By Johnson Investment Counsel Inc.

Size ($ in 1000's)
At 06/30/2024: $9,493,324
At 03/31/2024: $9,202,108

Johnson Investment Counsel Inc. AUM history

Johnson Investment Counsel Inc. holdings changes, total fund size, and other information presented on was derived from Johnson Investment Counsel Inc. 13F filings. Link to 13F filings: SEC filings

Johnson Investment Counsel Inc. Top Holdings 13F Filings |

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